
Born in Kortrijk, Belgium in 1986, Anneleen graduated at P.A.R.T.S./Brussels in 2010. She works as a choreographer, dancer, artistic collaborator and teacher. She is interested in the body as a powerful tool for exploring ways of being together. By combining intimacy, vulnerability and sensitivity with discipline and craftsmanship, Anneleens wishes to contribute to redefining virtuosity and cultivating plurality. Her work lives in the gap between formal and informal, transparent and mystical, soft and hard, physical and metaphysical.

In 2016 she started a choreographic research project called Transparency in Abstract Dance, which aimed to make the language of dance more accessible by developing compositional keys that allow an audience to unlock and 'enter' a dance.

In 2017 this research led to her first creation The moon is the moon is the moon. This performance shares the 'sketches' that precede the making of a choreography, while seeking a balance between legibility and poetry.

In 2019 Anneleen created the solo Movement Essays. This work consists of three 'movement essays; On Tempo, On Shape and Multitudes, each of which highlight a fundamental element of abstract dance.

Since 2020 she is developing the practice Body Dialogues, in which she initiates conversations with and about the body with different artists. Through this practice she aims to revalue the artistic process and cultivate space and time for contemplation. Occasionally parts of a dialogue leek to an audience, inviting them to step into a process rather than a work of art.

Her latest piece Blue Moon Spring, in which three dancers go on a personal journey of listening and moving to jazz music, premiered in October 2023.

Anneleen is a certified somatic movement educator and teaches improvisation and composition at PARTS, Charleroi Danse and INSAS amongst others.